Here's the U.S. Military's Fearsome Flagship Stealth Fighter

Russia and China should worry here's the stealth fighter as the backbone of u.s military. The F-35 jet is on track to become one of the world's most numerous jet fighter aircraft. Spurring the retirement of many currently serving aircraft along the way and considering countless data points that prove it has no rival in the sky.

The us military is well positioned for decades to come as the era of great power competition becomes even more intense. As serial deliveries of the F-35 fifth generation stealth fighter continue on mass. The face of a new us military begins to take shape.

The u.s air force reported last month that following 14 serial production lots. The service now has more F-35 jets than either F-15 eagles or a 10 Thunderbolt 2 attack aircraft, at 283 models in service the F-35 jet is now air force's second most numerous jet fighter after the F-16 fighting falcon. These numbers are expected to shift in coming decades as the conventional takeoff and landing variant of the F-35 jet. The F-35a continues to replace currently serving F-16 units.

Despite its several iterations the fighting falcon is increasingly verging on obsolescence after 42 years of service though it can still fulfill some battlefield roles. The F-16 is increasingly showing its age against the sophisticated air defenses and air-to-air capabilities being rapidly acquired by the Russian and chinese militaries. With its class-leading stealth performance, sensor fusion capabilities, large payload potential and vast suite of electronic warfare tools the F-35 jet can counter the sophisticated threats posed by america's major adversaries in ways that the fighting falcon cannot.

But the story of what is the largest procurement program in u.s military history doesn't end here. The F-35A jet is only one of three distinct models being acquired by the us military. The marine corps F-35B jet is a short takeoff and vertical landing variant of the fighter. designed to completely replace the service's aging stock of  F A18 hornet fighters as they approach their planned sundown date of 2030.

The F-35B jet is also slated to replace the marines mcdonnell douglas AV-8B harrier 2 attack aircraft of which 80 are currently in service into the mid-2020s. The harrier ii platform has had its service life cut short after proving increasingly cost inefficient to maintain. A similar story is playing out for the aging hornets with the marine corps estimating that the service can save as much as one billion dollars by replacing its F-18 jets with F-35 jets at a faster pace than previously planned.

Finally the F-35c is a catapult assisted takeoff but a rested recovery variant that boasts a series of design changes allowing it to operate from aircraft carriers. the navy's ongoing F-35 orders are a major part of the service's efforts to gradually replace its roster of over 500 boeing F A-18e F-Super Hornet fighters which are increasingly undermining the ability of u.s carrier wings to effectively project power in certain high risk environments.

With an unrefueled combat range of just under 400 nautical miles, the carriers deploying these aircraft are putting themselves within striking distance of a growing number of advanced Russian and Chinese anti-ship missiles. Including the hypersonic 3M22 Sir Con from the former and DF-17 from the latter. Boasting a combat radius of 670 nautical miles. The F35c jet ensures a greater degree of operational flexibility and provides substantially improved chances of being deployed at a safer range.


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