U.S. Fires Hypersonic Missile After Two DF-17s Blast Taiwan

China angry, the u.s shoot the hypersonic missile after china shoot two df-17 missiles to taiwan. The u.s tested several types of hypersonic weapons in the past days at a time when it accused China of testing such weapons which exposed the u.s double standards and its fear that it would lose in the hypersonic race with China and Russia experts said on friday. The u.s navy and army successfully conducted three tests on hypersonic weapon component prototypes on wednesday and these are expected to contribute to a flight test of a hypersonic missile in the fiscal year 2022 which began on October 1st reuters reported on thursday.

In another hypersonic technology test by the u.s defense department in Alaska on thursday a booster rocket failed to launch u.s news website defense news reported on friday. But despite the u.s aggressive moves to develop hypersonic weapons, President Joe Biden voiced his concern this week about china's hypersonic weapons after the financial times claimed china had tested two hypersonic weapons in summer.

The us is the first country to conduct research on hypersonic weapons and is still developing and even proliferating hypersonic technologies and investing billions of dollars in upgrading its nuclear triad forces. Wong Wen bin a spokesperson of china's foreign ministry told the global times at a regular press conference on friday responding to the u.s recent hypersonic tests. The u.s has repeatedly voiced its so-called concerns over china's normal spacecraft development and used it to hype the china threat theory, Wong said. 

Then can the u.s explain to the international community why it is developing hypersonic weapons? why is it so concerned about other countries? doesn't the international community have enough reasons to be concerned about the u.s moves? wong asked.

China urges the u.s to respect other countries right to develop national defense properly and stop extensively expanding its own arsenal by hyping the china threat theory, Huang said.

The u.s is very nervous about hypersonic weapons because China and Russia have hypersonic weapons in service while the us is still testing. Song Zhongping a chinese military expert and tv commentator told the Global Times on friday.

China displayed the DF-17 hypersonic missile at the national day military parade in beijing on October 1 2019 while russia has hypersonic missiles like Zircon, Kinzel and Avangard. An air force have their own hypersonic programs they still face some problems including materials and engines, so the u.s is hyping hypersonic threats from China and Russia so the u.s congress can approve more funds to help it win the race sang said.

Since the u.s is falling behind its hype of hypersonic threats is also aimed at dragging China and Russia down into a potential arms control negotiation to limit China and Russia's capabilities. Song said noting that hypersonic weapons are difficult to defend against. This is double standards song said. Also the chinese hypersonic missile the financial times reported was not a missile at all. Zhao legion a spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs said at a routine press conference on monday that it was a routine test of spacecraft to verify technology of spacecraft's reusability.


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