Departing from Potential Cavalry Warfare in Europe - UK Develops MBT Challenger 3

Departing from Potential Cavalry Warfare in Europe - UK Develops MBT Challenger 3

After the cold war, Britain was arguably no longer keen on developing Main Battle Tanks (MBT), knowing that with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the potential for armored warfare in mainland Europe was reduced.

However, times have changed, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has changed the paradigm and British defense strategy, which in fact also has an impact on the British calculation of strengthening the MBT line.

In fact, the UK Ministry of Defense has given the green light to the upgrade program for the Challenger 2 MBT fleet, with a budget of US$1.3 billion, it is planned that 148 Challenger 2 units will be upgraded to Challenger 3, making this British MBT able to survive in operation. at least until 2040.

Quoted from, on March 24, 2020, a ceremony took place, that the British Army began cutting steel to mark the launch of the Challenger 3 upgrade work taking place at Armstrong Works in Newcastle, northeast England. At this facility, Rheinmetall BAE Systems Land (RBSL), prime contractor for the project, and subcontractor Pearson Engineering are completing a new dome for Challenger 3.

“The dome fabrication carried out by Pearson Engineering was critical to the fully digital dome design, ensuring that our modern MBTs are the deadliest in Europe,” said Brig.

Nick Cowey, Senior Officer in Charge of the Challenger 3 program. The new dome is an important part of the Challenger 2 to Challenger 3 upgrade program, while of course there is work on upgrading the hull, main gun and various other systems.

"The steel structure that will house the turret subsystem will ensure Challenger 3 is a network-capable digital main battle tank with advanced lethality, enhanced survivability, plus world-class reconnaissance support and target acquisition capabilities," the British Army said in a media release. .

The Challenger 2, which is currently in service, entered British Army service in 1994 and has served in combat operations in the former Yugoslavia and in Iraq, and the British Army claims that no Challenger 2 was lost in total during the war.

Challenger 2 is currently used by four British Army armored regiments: The Queen's Royal Hussars, The King's Royal Hussars, The Royal Tank Regiment and The Royal Wessex Yeomanry. Each of the four regiments operates 56 Challenger 2s, for a total fleet of 224 tanks.

Rheinmetall BAE Systems Land was awarded a contract to provide 148 upgraded Challenger 3 units that will serve the British Army as part of its Future Soldier modernization initiative.
The inaugural Challenger 3 unit is expected to be delivered to the British Army in 2027, while the remaining unupgraded Challenger 2 is planned for retirement.

The Challenger 3 will come with the latest 120 mm Rheinmetall L55A1 smoothbore gun which will replace the current 120 mm rifled gun. Challenger 3 will also feature enhanced protection, including new modular armor and the Trophy active protection system from Rafael.

In addition to the domestic market, there is an opportunity to offer Challenger 3 upgrades to Oman, because countries in the Middle East are Challenger 2 users...

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