Hamas Creates 'Mutabar-1' Hanud Missile, Specifications Still Question Mark

Hamas Creates 'Mutabar-1' Hanud Missile, Specifications Still Question Mark

The outbreak of the Hamas versus Israel war created many surprises in terms of weapons. Hamas was unexpectedly able to outwit Israeli intelligence and launch a massive attack with new strategies and techniques that were able to overwhelm the Israeli military. 

Apart from salvo attacks with thousands of rockets and the use of drones, what is relatively new is the Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing which claims to be capable of creating hanud missiles.

The claim, which is supported by facts in the form of a video, has attracted world attention, because Hamas, which has limited activities and only receives clandestine support from its sponsors, was actually able to create the Hanud missile, which is not just a prototype.

A video appeared in the public domain showing that the Palestinian militia Hamas has an improvised air defense system called Mutabar-1. From the outside, the Mutabar-1 looks like an ordinary stationary console, which at first glance is not much different from the portable Grad-P handheld system.

However, as further demonstrated in the propaganda video, the Mutabar-1 launcher can be controlled remotely, rotating on top of the launcher's console. Mutabar-1 was controlled from an improvised command post, and fired with rockets and/or rockets with an unknown homing system.

From observing the video footage, it seems that to fire from Mutabar-1, the operator can use a guided rocket with a long-range detonator, which can be installed to detonate at a certain height and distance from the target.

Theoretically, this version can be justified by the fact that in the video recording, the Hamas militia first loaded the projectile into the launch tube, and then installed something similar to a detonator into it.

Everything about Mutabar-1 is still a big question mark. Global netizens are now waiting for more detailed information about Mutabar-1, which is strongly suspected to be in the SHORAD (Short Range Air Defense) segment, such as firing range, warhead and launch speed..

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