Russia Develops Ammunition With Special Explosive System To Deter Ukraine's Drones

Russia Develops Ammunition With Special Explosive System To Deter Ukraine's Drones

The massive drone attacks carried out by Ukraine have undoubtedly forced Russia to think hard about designing an effective anti-drone weapons system. One example is the Kizlyar Electromechanical Plant, which now claims to be developing an Advanced Ammunition Control System to counter the threat of Ukrainian drones. So, what is the greatness of this anti-drone system?

Advanced Ammunition Control System is a technology designed to optimize ammunition detonation with maximum impact on targets. 

An important feature of this system is that it engineers the ammunition to calculate the ideal detonation point. This system is capable of ensuring that explosions produce large amounts of shrapnel aimed directly at airborne targets, making it an effective defense against drones.

In recent cases, drones, which are often used for surveillance, reconnaissance and even direct attacks (kamikaze), are difficult to detect and neutralize because of their size and agility. The Kizlyar-developed system's ability to attack targets hidden behind obstacles could be useful for dealing with small drones that may be operating from hidden positions.

Currently, an updated Soviet-era ZU-23M2 anti-aircraft gun is used as a prototype to test this system. However, Kizlyar said that this ammunition technology could modernize various artillery weapons, which include 30, 40 and 57 millimeter calibers.

The ZU-23-2 is a Soviet-made 23 mm towed double-barreled anti-aircraft cannon. The cannon, which is also used by Arhanud TNI AD, was developed in the late 1950s and was primarily intended to attack low-flying targets, including airplanes and helicopters.

In line with developments, the ZU-23M2, a modernized version of the Soviet-era ZU-23 anti-aircraft automatic cannon, has been upgraded to further enhance its combat capabilities. 

The ZU-23M2 is equipped with an advanced targeting system that combines a laser rangefinder, television channel and optical-mechanic device. This ensures precise target acquisition and tracking, even in challenging conditions.

In addition, for operation in low light or night scenarios, the ZU-23M2 can be equipped with a thermal location channel and a specialized television system. 

To provide multi-layered defense against air threats, this cannon-based weapon system can also be equipped with two short-range Hanud missiles, such as the 9M32M Strela-2M or 9M39 Igla, which offer comprehensive anti-air defense.

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