Russia Launches ‘Tubus’ – High-Speed Kamikaze Drone that Strikes Artillery Targets

Russia Launches ‘Tubus’ – High-Speed Kamikaze Drone that Strikes Artillery Targets

The name of this drone reminds us of the legendary agricultural magazine (Trubus-ed), but in fact Tubus is not a drone with agricultural duties at all, but Tubus is Russia's newest kamikaze drone which specializes in hitting enemy artillery targets.

Reporting from the Russian News Agency TASS (11/10/2023), Russia's specialist defense drone developer has launched a high-speed unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) labeled "Tubus." These drones were designed with the primary aim of targeting enemy armored vehicles and artillery far on the front lines.

Called a high-speed drone, the Tubus can accelerate up to 300 km per hour. When compared to other Russian-made drones, Tubus is the champion, because Russian-produced drones have an average speed in the range of 100-150 km per hour.

The Tubus' speed not only increases its ability to reach designated targets quickly, but also makes it a more challenging target for the enemy, as it is not easily shot down with light weapons.

The Tubus is primarily intended to counter armored vehicles and artillery. This missile has a range of 30-40 km, making it suitable for targeting enemy artillery installations far on the front lines.

Tubus with its design excels in portability and ease of use. Tubus weighs around 10 kg. Meanwhile, the launch system is separate from the drone, which weighs 5 kg. When deployed, the launch system can be disposed of after firing, so it does not become a 'burden' for soldiers in the field.

Not just going fast, Tubus is also prepared to take countermeasures to jamming attempts that will be defeated by the opponent. Tubus operates fully autonomously independent of satellite-based systems. Tubus relies on predetermined coordinates provided by reconnaissance to accurately target and attack enemy assets.

After successful internal testing, the Tubus was planned for use in the Ukrainian war. Official testing is scheduled to begin within the next two months, which will provide a more comprehensive evaluation of the drone's performance and suitability for tactical military operations.

At first glance, the Tubus, which will be used by Russian infantry troops, has a design similar to the US-produced kamikaze drone which was also sent to Ukraine, namely the Switchblade.

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