Breaking News!! As Things Heat Up, Panjshir Resistance Forces Attacked by 27 Pakistani Helicopters

Breaking News!! As Things Heat Up, Panjshir Resistance Forces Attacked by 27 Pakistani Helicopters

Panshir resistance forces attacked by 27 Pakistani helicopters. The reason for the defeat of the militias in Panshir was the use of Pakistani aircraft. Despite the fact that official Islamabad categorically rejects any accusations that Pakistan helped Taliban to seize the last uncontrolled region of Afghanistan. It became known that the Taliban managed to achieve success thanks to the Pakistani air force.

At least 27 combat helicopters were involved in a special operation against the national resistance front which were covered by unmanned aerial vehicles dot. As follows from the data presented, Pakistan secretly used its attack helicopters in a military operation against the resistance forces which in fact destroyed the main defensive positions of the national resistance front and pan shear. This allowed the Taliban to freely enter the region.

In addition to using combat helicopters, the Pakistani air force also used attack drones presumably made in China. News journalists have not yet commented on previously reported data that at least one Pakistani 17 helicopter was hit by an anti-aircraft gun from the militia.

However in general, it was thanks to the intervention of Pakistan that the taliban managed to take control of the only one uncontrolled region. Pakistan rejected reports that said it helped the television offensive against resistance forces in Afghanistan's panshir valley, as a mischievous propaganda campaign. 

Pakistan Foreign Spokesperson asymmetrical issued a statement and categorically rejected these allegations as part of a mischievous propaganda campaign. These malicious allegations were part of a desperate attempt to malign Pakistan and to mislead the international community he said in a statement. The Pakistan military assisted the taliban offensive and Panshir with at least 27 helicopters filled with Pakistan special forces and also backed the group by drone strikes against the resistance forces. 

News Agency PTI reported, citing united states central command. Pakistan Spy Agency Inter Services Intelligence's Chief Lieutenant Jeneral Fayes Hamid also visited television leader Mala Abdul Ghani Baradar a day before the fall of Panshir though both sides claimed that discussions were held regarding the refugee crisis and closed borders at Spin Boldac. 

The Taliban said on monday they seized Panshir, one of the provinces which was not in their control after a long drawn fight with the Resistance FrontP Panshir Resistance fighters later however claimed that the Taliban have not completely captured Panshir. The National Resistance Front Leader Ahmad Massoud said that the senior leaders are safe and also called for a national uprising.

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