Massive Explosion, U.S B-52 Detonate Bombs at Russian Military Base Near Afghanistan


Massive Explosion, U.S B-52 Detonate Bombs at Russian Military Base Near Afghanistan

US B-52 bombers practiced nuclear attacks on russia last month. The u.s air force deployed five B-52 bombers from barksdale air force base in louisiana to the united kingdom. Some of the eight engine long-range planes flew mock nuclear attacks on russian soil. The american operation mirrors russia's own simulated aerial raids. In recent years russian bombers have stepped up their probes of nato and allied airspace, occasionally following flight profiles matching atomic bombing runs.

Six B-52 is  arrived at the royal air force base at fairford. The deployment of strategic bombers to the UK helps exercise Raf Fairford as united states air forces in europe's forward operating location for bombers the air force stated, "The deployment also includes joint and allied training in the U.S European command theater to improve bomber interoperability. Training with joint partners allied nations and other U.S Air Force units contributes to our ready and postured forces and enables us to build enduring and strategic relationships necessary to confront a broad range of global challenges."

The air force's statement fails to mention one of the B-52S other missions to practice nuclear attacks on russia. At least two of the B-52S that deployed to the united kingdom are nuclear-capable models identifiable by a special fin that the air force added in order to comply with the new stark treaty that limits the number of U.S and russian nuclear delivery systems, but it was one of the non-nuclear-capable B-52S serial number 60024 that initially flew a mock cruise missile attack on Russia's Kaliningrad Exclave. According to stephen watkins an independent imagery analyst. Observers can track military flights via their transponders and radio traffic.

The deployment is clearly meant to be a signal of the us military's strategic capabilities to america's great power competitors, primarily russia. Joseph Trevi Thicke wrote, at the war zone though the air force has regularly sent small detachments of B-52S to the United Kingdom for training exercises throughout Europe over the years having six of the bombers there at once is the single largest deployment of the B-52S to the region since the invasion of Iraq in 2003. 

Trevi thicke continued citing, "during the opening phases of that conflict 20 B-52S flew strike missions from the united kingdom. compare the recent american bomber flights to russia's own similar flights. Eleven Russian su-24 bombers in early 2018 flew a mock attack on a Norwegian radar site," Lieutenant General Morton Hagalundi, the Director of Norway's Intelligence Service revealed in early February 2019. 


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