Six Missiles Rain on Taliban Stronghold as Insurgents Hold in Panjshir Valley, 67 Killed


Photo: Illustration

Rebels hold out in Afghan valley as Taliban set up government in Kabul. Taliban forces and fighters loyal to local leader Ahmad Masood battled in Afghanistan's Panshir Valley on thursday. More than two weeks after the islamist militias seized power.

As Taliban leaders in the capital kabul worked to form a government. Panshir as the last province resisting rule by the Taliban who retook control of the country as U.S and foreign troops withdrew after 20 years of conflict following the september 11th 2001 attacks on the united states.

Each side said it had inflicted heavy casualties, we started operations after negotiation with the local armed group failed. Taliban Spokesman, Zabihalla Mujahid said Taliban fighters had entered pan shear and taken control of some territory he said.

They the enemy suffered heavy losses a spokesman for the national resistance front of Afghanistan NRF rebel grouping said it had full control of all passes and entrances and had driven back efforts to take shuttle district. The enemy made multiple attempts to enter shuttle from Jabal Saraj and failed each time he said referring to a town in neighboring parwan province.

Since the Taliban swept into Kabul on august 15, several thousand fighters from local militias and remnants of the government's armed forces have massed in Panshir under the leadership of masood, son of a former mujahedeen commander. 

They have been holding out in the steep valley where attacks from outside are difficult. Efforts to negotiate a settlement appear to have broken down with each side blaming the other for the failure.

Mujahid said, the announcement of a new government was a few days away while Taliban official Amidula Mataki said a ceremony was being organized at the presidential palace. Many Afghans were struggling to feed their families amid severe drought well before the taliban militants seized power and millions may now face starvation with the country isolated and the economy unraveling eight agencies say.

Since the 15th of august, we have seen the crisis accelerate and magnify with the imminent economic collapse that is coming this country's way. Mary Ellen Mcgrawdy world food program country director in Afghanistan told reuters from Kabul.

In a positive development, a senior executive of western union county wu n said it was resuming money transfer services to Afghanistan. A decision he said was in line with a u.s push to allow humanitarian activity to continue there much of our business involving afghanistan is low value family and support remittances that support basic needs of the people there.

So,that's the grounding that we have and why we want to reopen our business said Jean-Claude Farah Western Union's President in Asia Europe the middle east and Africa.


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