Sophisticated, Here are the Various Sonars that Complement the Scorpene Class Submarine

Sophisticated, Here are the Various Sonars that Complement the Scorpene Class Submarine

In order to finalize the Scorpene class submarine procurement project, PT PAL Indonesia and Naval Group held "Industry Day" for two days (10-11 May 2023) at the Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta. Apart from being an arena for collaboration and negotiations between French and Indonesian companies that will be involved in the Scorpene class project, it is also briefly discussed about the advantages of the sonar system in these diesel electric submarines.

The adoption of sonar technology in the Scorpene class cannot be separated from the big name of Thales. This manufacturer is the supplier of the sonar system for the Scorpene class, and when the Scorpene class is later operated by the Indonesian Navy, the sonar solution from Thales must be able to operate optimally.

In a brief presentation, Thales representatives mentioned the use of several types of sonar that complement the Scorpene class. As can be seen in the image below, the Scorpene class is equipped with intercept passive array sonar, active array sonar, bow array sonar, flank array sonar, distributed array sonar and 3D mine and obstacle avoidance sonar. In addition, the Scorpene class can optionally be equipped with a towed array sonar.

The above combinations of modular sonar types have been put together by Thales in the S-Cube sonar suite, developed by Thales Underwater Systems. The S-Cube is equipped with advanced sonar data processing software, including an underwater mapping and object recognition system, which allows the operator to get a more complete picture of the underwater environment.

The S-Cube also has an intuitive and easy-to-understand user interface, making it easier for operators to operate and process sonar data. The following is a profile of each sonar that completes the Scorpene class.

1. Intercept Passive Array Sonar

Intercept passive sonar works by receiving and processing sound signals emitted by ships or other objects, then analyzing these signals to obtain information about the type and position of the ship or object. This intercept value can be used to estimate the position and speed of the ship or object, as well as to gather intelligence about enemy activities or forces.

Therefore, passive sonar intercept is one of the important technologies in the security and defense of submarines and also on surface ships.

2. Active Array Sonar

A type of sonar used on submarines or surface ships to actively emit sound signals and detect their reflection from objects around the ship. Active sonar consists of a number of sonar transducers placed in a particular array or arrangement on the ship. When a sound signal is emitted by the sonar transducer, the sound waves will propagate through the water and will be reflected back by objects around the ship. Then, this sound reflection will be received by other sonar transducers in the array, and processed to obtain information about the distance, depth, and position of the object.

Active sonar arrays can operate at a variety of frequencies and different sound emission patterns, depending on their purpose and operational conditions. This technology is used for various applications, such as navigation, surveillance, search and rescue, and ship defense. However, because of its active nature, the use of active sonar arrays can emit signals that are detected by other ships, and can reveal the position and whereabouts of ships using this technology.

Therefore, the use of active sonar arrays must be done with care and in accordance with international rules regarding the use of active sonar.

3. Bow Array Sonars

Is a type of active sonar array mounted on the bow of the ship, especially on submarines. Bow array sonar consists of a number of sonar transducers placed in a horizontal arrangement on the hull near the bow. Each sonar transducer in the array generates sound waves that are emitted simultaneously to produce a wider, more focused beam pattern. This allows the ship to scan a wider area and more accurately detect objects in front of it.

Bow array sonar is used for many purposes, such as detection and tracking of other vessels, collection of oceanographic data, and underwater surveillance. This technology is very important in the security and defense of submarines, because it allows ships to detect and avoid hazards that may appear in front of them. Bow array sonar can also be used to gather intelligence on sea conditions and the activities of other vessels ahead of the ship.

In addition, this technology can also be used to search and rescue lost ships or identify objects on the seabed.

4. 3D Mine and Obstacle Avoidance Sonar

3D mine and obstacle avoidance sonar is a sonar technology used on surface ships or submarines to detect and avoid sea mines and other obstacles in the water.

This technology works by using a sonar array placed on the ship's hull to scan the area around the ship and produce 3D images of objects in the water, including sea mines, coral reefs, and others.

Sophisticated, Here are the Various Sonars that Complement the Scorpene Class Submarine

By using 3D mine and obstacle avoidance sonar technology, ships can avoid obstacles in the water and protect themselves from potential hazards. Sound signals emitted by sonar will be reflected back by objects in the water and then processed to produce 3D images that show the position and distance of these objects. This information is then used to calculate a safe path for ships to traverse and avoid obstacles.

The 3D mine and obstacle avoidance sonar can also be used to map the seabed and search for lost or sunken objects, such as airplanes or ships.

5. Flank Array Sonars

This type of passive sonar array is used on submarines to detect the presence and position of ships or other objects around it. Flank array sonar consists of a number of sonar transducers mounted on the sides of a submarine, usually on the top and bottom sides. Each sonar transducer in the array is capable of detecting sound emitted by surrounding objects, and this information is processed to produce an image of the object's position and direction.

Flank array sonar works passively, i.e. it only detects sounds emitted by surrounding objects without emitting active sound signals. This allows the submarine to remain hidden and avoid detection. Thus, flank array sonar is very important in military operations, especially in maritime reconnaissance and surveillance.

6. Distributed Array Sonar

Sonar technology that uses a large number of sonar transducers placed on a number of vessels or submarines that are interconnected in a network. This technology allows sonar information received by each sonar transducer on board or submersible to be collected, processed and analyzed centrally to produce a more complete and accurate picture of the underwater environment.

In distributed array sonar, each distributed sonar transducer on a boat or submarine is installed at strategic locations around the hull or hull, and then connected via a centralized communications network.

When the submarine is moving, each sonar transducer will emit sound waves into the surrounding environment and then receive the reflection back. The information received by each transducer is then centrally collected and processed to produce a more accurate picture of the underwater environment.

Distributed array sonar is used in a variety of applications, including surveillance and detection of enemy submarines or vessels, collection of oceanographic data, mapping of the seabed, and search and rescue of sunken or lost objects in the water.

7. Towed Array Sonar

Towed array sonar is a sonar system that is mounted on a cable pulled by a boat or submarine in the water. The system consists of a large number of sonar sensors, known as arrays, which are attached to cables and towed by a boat or submarine through the water.

Sophisticated, Here are the Various Sonars that Complement the Scorpene Class Submarine

Towed array sonar works passively or actively. When used passively, the sonar array will detect sounds emitted by ships or other objects in the vicinity, and then this information will be processed to produce a picture of the position and direction of the object. When actively used, the sonar array will transmit sound signals to the surrounding environment and then receive back the reflections, and this information is then processed to produce a more complete picture of the underwater environment.

The advantage of using towed array sonar is its ability to detect sound with high accuracy and long range. Since the sonar array is towed by ships or submarines, the detection range can be increased to several kilometers, depending on the surrounding environmental conditions.

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